Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome, Everyone who loves to read!

Welcome! I love to read and although I am a professional with a lot of responsibilities, reading is one of the ways I visit other worlds, other places, and alternative realities. I primarily love historical fiction, but I read a lot of other kinds of books. I will be publishing my reviews on some of the books I read and would welcome any comments you may have. Just keep it clean and free of profanity. All opinions are welcome, but please be respectful of others, especially those with whom you may disagree. Looking forward to hearing from lots of avid readers.


Tracy said...

Good to see you here, Ma!

Hilcia said...

Welcome Dr. J! It's wonderful to have a fan of historical romance to share the love. :)

Rowena said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I'm so glad that you decided to open up your own blog. I look forward to reading more from you! Happy reading and I'll see you around. =)

M said...

Welcome to blogland! I'm so glad you decided to start one.

Sandy Jay said...

Just wandering over from Tracy's Place to say hi.

Lori said...

Welcome to blogland :) Can't wait to see what you've been reading.

help4newmoms said...

I agree with you completely. I love to read for the same reasons - escape, learn something new, relaxation. I can't wait to read your reviews and get some new book ideas. Good Luck.

Mariana said...

Hello! Another blog added to my list :)

nath said...

Welcome to blogland, Dr J!! Love the look of your blog and your icon as well! :D

Lily said...

Hi Dr J, welcome to blogland. Your site looks great.