I'm absolutely serious -- hubby and I are floating on a "sea" of packing boxes and the more we unpack, the more tired my brain becomes with trying to decide where to put everything. I understand those who just pick up piles of stuff and shove it into any empty spot, but for some reason, there's a lazy streak that runs right down the middle of "me" and I always stop and think about the drudgery of having to go back and find a place for all that stuff--the place I REALLY want all that stuff.
There's another problem, too. I collect art glass--boxes and boxes of depression , early American pressed, and antique and contemporary blown glass. And I love it all. They are like my secondary family and friends and when I see each piece after having it packed away for so long, it is a sense of greeting something beautiful that I have really missed having displayed on my shelves or in my china cabinet. The problem is really that I need about three more china cabinets. As it is now, I have to pick and choose which pieces I will unpack and which will remain in their cozy packing boxes. I. DON'T. WANT. TO. MAKE. THOSE. KINDS. OF DECISIONS. I want it all, but life and money and room and all such things have meant that I have to pick and choose. To add insult to injury, in a funny kind of way, hubby bought me a beautiful six-piece set of antique wine glasses for Valentine's Day, and I can't figure out where to put them now.
Anyway, we had snow in Tennessee on Saturday--driving, big flakes that covered everything and it looked beautiful. It was all gone by Sunday morning, but it was fun while it lasted. I'll get back to blogging on a regular basis soon, but it's President's Day and I don't even go near a box on a holiday--that kind of reasoning has always worked for me. Greeting to you all -- stay in touch.
Little Miss Crabby Pants and the KU Whinging
4 hours ago
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