Novels by Patricia Ryan,
Julie Kinner
Shelley Thacker
Kathryn Shay
Julianne McLean
All are full-length works and the collection was released July 17, 2013.

This collection contains full-length works by
Lexi Blake
Marie Harte
Cari Quinn
Carrie Ann Ryan
Jayne Rylon
It, too, is a 99 cent bargain. Some of the stories are familiar to me, but I couldn't resist getting the collection as I hadn't read four of the five books. A bargain at any price!
Included are the novels by
Cynthia Wright
Patricia McLinn
Patricia Ryan
Judith Arnold
This collection was just released last week on July 17th.
This collection is FREE bundle of novels by author Melissa F. Hart in gratitude for the support of her faithful readers. It was released in March, 2013 and has had enthusiastic reception. It remains the best bargain on the page and has received good reviews.
Included in this collection are novels from
Emilie Richards
Judith Arnold
Patricia McLinn
Patricia Ryan
Kathryn Ryan
All are novels around favorite romance themes and while the collection contains books by some of the same authors as other collections, it is a great bargain and all are well respected romance writers.
Just go to, write romance collections in the search window, and you will not only find these but many others that are also available for 99 cents, some free collections by authors who are releasing bundles, and others that are significantly reduced over the individual book price. It's a great "steal" for summer reading and even though I don't know when the "sale" will end, I had to make all of you aware of this literary windfall. Happy reading!!