I opened my blog page for the first time in many months and realized I hadn't posted anything since December, 2015. Really!! I pondered whether to keep the blog going after all this time. Not sure there are even any followers that check in from time to time since I have been absent for so long.
I decided to try to get back into the blogging thing just because I had enjoyed it, for one thing, and I still read mountains of books, digitally speaking, of course. There are several reasons why I have been gone from the blogging universe for so long.
1. I guess the main reason is that I miss my Southern California blogging pals. Here in So. Middle Tennessee I have not connected with any blogging groups and it has been kind of lonely -- feeling like I am just hanging out all by myself. Our So. Calif. group got together a couple times a year and it was such fun to put faces with names and share on a face to face basis. Now after 4-1/2 years gone from that scene, I just feel like I am in a world of one.
2. I had gotten really burned out on the book reviewing thing. I did hundreds of reviews for The Book Binge and quite a few for this blog. I also guest reviewed for my daughter once in awhile but her blog has now gone away as well. I just got tired. Being away from my full-time profession has also made a difference. It seemed like I just read and read and read and moved from book to book to book, not really thinking about reviewing, and only making a few comments from time to time at Amazon.com.
So I am picking up the mantle once again. I am going to put some new stuff up on this page if I can remember how to do it all. Hope some of you check back in from time to time and I will try to reach out to some of my blogger pals again.
Hope you are having a good summer and stay cool!!
Review: Murder Road
12 hours ago